Refund policy will be voided if,
1. If they purchase discount package.
2. If website is revised.
4. Emergency design work is not refundable..
5. The decision to cancel was taken for non-company-related reasons.
6.The client is unavailable for the project for longer than one weeks.
7. The necessary details are missing from the creative brief.
10. A thorough redesign has been requested.
11. The claim has passed the request for refund time limit.
12. The company is closing or changing its name.
13. client have change of mind disagreement with partner or other non-service related reasons will not be refunded..
14. client subscribes to a service package and not satisfied with a service, refund will only be applicable to that service and not the entir package.
15. When final files have sent to client in response to client request, no refund can be claimed.
16. Refunds and revisions are expressly prohibited on free items.
17. Services such as social media, SEO, domain registration, and web hosting are not refundable under any circumstances.
18. Refunds will not be granted once the client has accepted the design and the website has been sent to development
19. Refunds will not be granted once the client has provided good feedback on changes and the design has been received for final files.
20. Refunds will not be issued for work performed by a third party.
Note: We reserve the right to hold or reject any project or cancel the contract at any time. You will have no rights to use the designs after the refund/Dispute; they will be our sole property. The corporation will be the only proprietor of the designs. Claim Your Refund send email to for a refund request. Our Accounts department will respond as soon as we receive our refund request. The procedure will start after the necessary analysis is finished.